We hope you all enjoy time with loved ones this week. We are thankful for all of you! Photos from the first two main stage shows are available. Stop Kiss has…
Seattle Children’s Theatre is one of the largest professional children’s theatres in the US, producing 5 professional Maintstage productions during the school year. Each summer, SCT Education Programs offers over…
We are in need of MANY plastic bags for WinterDance. Bags from any grocery or retail store will do. There are large hampers backstage that you can leave them in…
Would you like the chance to work in the Theatre department? Great news! Applications are being accepted for a Student Theatre Marketing and Box Office staff position! This part-time position…
The Center for Student Involvement seeks interested student members for the newly established SafeRide Review Task Force. Having recently undergone its regular three-year review as part of the Center for…
MACBETH Thank you everyone who auditioned for MACBETH. It is a credit to our program and your work ethic that the level of preparedness allowed me to consider many of…
Do you want to have a lot of great and delicious food at ThanKSTOgiving? We NEED people to sign up to bring food for ThanKSTOgiving! It’ll only work if you…
The blog is back up and running with some significant updates. Be patient as we learn how to use the new version.
Nervous about finals about finals and don’t know how to prepare? See attached!
Hi all! IMPORTANT NOTE: THANKSTOGIVING HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK TO 7:30PM. STILL ON THE 20th! We’re having a potluck for ThanKSTOgiving! KSTO is providing the turkey and ham. We…
Mark your calendars! ThanKSTOgiving will be next Wednesday, November 20th, at 5:30PM in the Sandy Chastan lobby of the Purple Masque Theatre! This will be a potluck event – sign…
MACBETH- David Mackay Lauren Taylor Anne Kenworthy Ceslie Parker-Waller Victor Romo Zachary Smalley Jackson Wilks Matthew Robison Sam Martin Logan Peralez Wesley Danielson Tyler Parker Jonah Evarts Karly Breshears Morgan…
Please only Sign up for one audition!!! Out of fairness to everyone auditioning for Macbeth tonight, David asks that you only audition in one group of three. If you are…
Academic Achievement Center Finals Prep Workshop Nov. 19 – 11:00 am Dec. 2 – 10:30 am Dec. 2 – 2:00 pm Academic coaches will be available to discuss tools that…
1. Please see the below forms. Download, print, complete and bring to the audition tonight. Don’t forget, as a student you receive a number of FREE prints through the university….