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What NOT to Do/What to DO

By June 4, 2020News


I have gotten a number of messages and calls this week- everyone is looking for guidance, wanting to DO something to help our fellow humans who are hurting.  We are a family at K-State Theatre and we care for one another.  Yes, we have Ebony Theatre…and it’s not enough.

Think of this-  about 5% of students in the Theatre program are black. Please don’t ask those few students to carry the burden of your white guilt. 

  • DO NOT ask your black acquaintances how they are doing- they are NOT OK.   Be there to listen, if and when they reach out to you.
  • DO NOT expect your black friends to educate you. They are worn out.  Do your own research. You don’t need to tell them all about what you learned.  What you’ve just learned, they have lived.
  • DO NOT make this moment about you- no one wants to hear how you aren’t racist and no one wants to hear about your guilt.

What can you DO?

  • LISTEN…quietly. Not every crisis moment needs your voice, until it does (see the last bullet) and it doesn’t need your justifications.
  • LEARN: Some of this was inspired by yesterday’s LA Times article. Keep reading.
  • SHOW UP: Protest if you are so inclined.  You are there to be a supporter and a witness, but don’t mindlessly chit chat at a protest. It’s not your moment. If you are scared, don’t go. No one is forcing you to protest, there are other ways to support. Sign petitions for change, they are easy to find on social media right now.
  • STAND UP:  Be brave enough to talk to your overtly racist relatives about what you are learning 
  • VOTE: Think about how you vote in all categories, not just presidential. Then VOTE.
  • SHOP:  SUPPORT BLACK-OWNED BUSINESSES there’s even an app, and you can leave them a review.
  • SPEAK UP:  here’s a story with an example of how you can use your privilege as an ally. And it’s from nearly 10 years ago. Nothing’s changed.

It’s ok to make mistakes, just learn from them. Make quiet adjustments, not guilty ones.

I’m learning, too. And I am open to being corrected. Stay Safe, K-State Family.

-Jen V.