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By November 3, 2016KSTO


ThanKSTOgiving is an annual KSTO event where the department gets together, eats great food and celebrates what we are thankful for. It will take place on Thursday, November 17th from 5:30-7:30 pm. This is a very large event, so please feel free to invite theatre students that may have missed this post but try not to invite roommates or other friends. If you are attending the event, please respond to the ThanKSTOgiving event on the K-State Theatre Organization webpage:

Sandy Chastan has graciously offered to use her house for the event, so everyone give a big thanks to her! If you would like to carpool, please contact me at

There are also a few ground rules:
1. Minors may not consume alcoholic beverages. With that said, alcohol is allowed be responsible and do not drink to excess.
2. If a door is closed, do not open it.
3. No smoking in the house. You may smoke outside on the patio or deck, but please don’t leave cigarette butts lying around. Ashtrays will be provided.
4. Be respectful!

Sandy is also providing paper plates, cups, napkins, plastic utensils, etc. Because this is a potluck event, please sign up to bring a dish on the SignUp Genius link found below! I hope to see everyone at our festive event!

Gabby Browne