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Resolution Regarding Racism

By March 9, 2021News

Hi amazing people! For one reason or another I wanted you to get this message today, so give me a minute to explain:

First of all, vote in the SGA elections, obviously.

Second, there is currently a resolution (basically a recommendation from SGA to KSU Administration) written by Nathan Bothwell and Maggie Billman. It was inspired by the demands made at the dialogue March 1st, in the aftermath of the hateful words written on whiteboards in the Multicultural Student Center. 

Why am I telling you this?? Because you can sign on. Basically, the resolution has more impact if there are more students showing support (and yes, it needs to be current K-State students enrolled in at least one credit hour).

Sooooo, look at the google form linked below — you will be able to read through the solid piece of legislation and decide if you would like to add your name in support of this necessary resolution! 😁

Also feel free to forward this to other K-State students and note that if you choose to sign on, you need to fill out that google form by noon on March 17th!!

Let me know if you have any questions and I can help find the answer!! 

Mia Schindler