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Painting Again! (“Sweat” paint calls)

By December 31, 2021News
Happy New Year! I hope you are enjoying your holiday break and getting at least some chance to recharge.
I’ll be painting the floor and back wall for “Sweat” starting next week. I’m scheduled to go to KS and OK Thespian conferences as well, so my schedule is a bit tight, but here’s what I’m planning:

Monday and Tuesday Jan. 3-4, 10 am-5 pm. (Lunch break 1-2 pm)
  • Monday I’ll start in the scene shop to get colors mixed and supplies together, so I most likely won’t be in the theatre before 11 am at the earliest. Come to the McCain shop if there’s no one in Chapman.

Wednesday Jan. 5 will be from 1pm-7 pm, or until we’re done, in the theatre.

I hope to be able to get the back wall and floor completed in that time, which is an ambitious goal. I have to be gone Jan. 6-8, and then rehearsals start on Jan. 9. Rehearsals happen during the day that week, so anything on stage not done by that time will have to happen either in the evenings or Saturday Jan. 22.  I will post additional times and dates as needed.
Any time you can come in to help, no matter how much or little, will be greatly appreciated!
As always, wear paint clothes and closed toe, hard sole shoes like tennis shoes.
Any questions, contact me at