Forum Monday, May 1 1230-120 Chapman Acting Faculty will discuss tips for the upcoming auditions for The Arsonists and we will dialogue with cast, crew, designers and technicians from Unity…
Every year, the KSTO banquet consists of an award ceremony. Below are the awards, please comment with your nominations! If someone already nominated someone you were thinking of, you do…
From Recent K-State Grad Shannon Madden Hello! I wanted let you know about an internship opportunity in Patron Services and Customer Service at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts…
To give Theatre students more time to study during dead week, the schedule for The Arsonists audition has changed. Audition & Callbacks are being held on Wednesday, May 3 Audition…
Actors Wanted for Writes of Spring: 10-Minute Play Reading Festival On May 10th @ 7:00pm, THTRE 662 Playwriting students will have present twelve 10-Minute plays in the Purple Masque. We…
MTDers: This summer we are renovating Chapman Theatre. That means we are tearing out the seats and WE NEED YOUR HELP. During Finals week, we will be removing and disposing…
Hello friends! It’s the last showcase of the year which means it’s time to honor our wonderful seniors! This means that we are limiting sign ups to only upperclassmen so…
Hello everyone, If you are interested in a KSTO Officer Board position, you should email me with a proposal by next Wednesday, May 3rd. As these positions are decided by…
Please join us at Unity (1918) tomorrow night, Thursday, April 27 at 7:30. President’s reception to follow- FREE FOOD. DISCOUNT CODE: PREZ17. Regular student ticket prices are $11.
Summer Internship Opportunities Dear friends old and new, I am reaching out on behalf of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. We have just recently posted on…
First off, congratulations and welcome to all of the new active members of the Kansas State Theatre Organization – we are so happy to have you! Now that you are…
BecauseHeCan….A Hacker Play Monday, April 24th at 7pm A Purple Readers Project Reading …….a dark investigation into identity and technology. What happens when a seemingly perfect couple befriends a young…
Ryan Andrew Bruce is coming May 5th to do discounted headshots for any interested. One hour sessions beginning around noon. You may do 2-3 looks in your sitting. The sitting…
Hello everyone, Sportsball is today at the Memorial Stadium next to the Purple Masque at 2:02 pm! We will be playing some kickball, so get ready to have a good time!…