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Day One, Down! (a Monday memo from Jen V.)

By March 23, 2020News

Well…I don’t know about you, but today was a challenge. I heard about students who were fired from off-campus jobs, challenges to getting home to KC before that city goes on lockdown, and food insecurity. Don’t even get me started on my breakout rooms in Zoom not working properly!

On the home front, we broke down and let our 16-year old son get Grand Theft Auto for his Playstation (“GTA,” right?) until his school is back up and running. To be fair, he’s been pretty good helping around the house with chores and not complaining. In fact, a lot less “teenager-y” than usual. Faculty with younger kids are dealing with a lot more complications with little ones underfoot all day, every day. I’d like to continue with Friday evening Facebook Live videos, where hopefully a different faculty member will go live each week to share a day in the life with you all. We are all experiencing something global that none of us has experienced before!

I’m going to say as I always have…these are our priorities at K-State Theatre:

  • YOUR HEALTH (physical and mental wellness)
  • YOUR FAMILY (however you define it)
  • YOUR EDUCATION (this is our primary role with you, but its THIRD on the list!)

Here are some resources for these priorities:

Counseling Services (they have call-in and Zoom options, plus webinars)

Cats Cupboard (online orders and other resources, if you need food)

Resources for Online Learning (to help you navigate this new world)

And finally, if you have it in you to give back, there are a lot of young students around the community also worried and bored and needing ways to be creative. I would love to record your advice for them to be added to a special bonus of my podcast, Ditch Your Back Up Plan. If interested, check out the next post. -Jen Vellenga