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Critical Updates for MTD on Covid-19

By March 16, 2020News

All public MTD events are canceled through April 5. All buildings will be locked this afternoon and no one- no faculty, no staff, no students- will have access. Do not come to campus until further notice. If you are a student worker for MTD, you will be getting communication from your supervisor later this week.

Artists are social creatures. It can be difficult to be separated from fellow creators.  Find other ways to create, connect, and share.  Your generation is the VERY BEST at connecting digitally, so do this now.

Highlights from President Myers:

At this time, our greatest tool to fight the spread of the coronavirus is social distancing from large gatherings. It is strongly encouraged that students remain at or travel to their permanent place of residence and not return to Manhattan.

Students, by and large, are at low risk for serious complications related to the virus, it’s the people around you who are put at risk if you return to the area. 

If you choose to congregate with groups of people, you are putting both yourself and others at risk. Please do not come back to our campus towns simply to attend popular social events, such as the upcoming Fake Patty’s day. 

Again, we are committed to continuing your education through remote methods. These are unprecedented times and we all need to do our part. We will get through this together.