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Congrats to Liz Kritikos – Shakespeare Intensive

By May 4, 2018News

Theatre Major Elizabeth Kritikos was nominated for – and was accepted into – the 2018 Summer Shakespeare Intensive at Mary Baldwin College in Virginia. She will represent the Theatre program while Jimmy Portela will represent the English Department. They are two of only 30 students accepted into the Intensive. Theatre students Shiana Tyler and Madison Plouvier have attended the Shakespeare Intensive in previous years. The Intensive is produced in conjunction with the American Shakespeare Center.

Liz will attend a performance by the Wicked Folly Touring Troupe as well as productions of Macbeth, Sense and Sensibility and The Taming of the Shrew. In addition, she will participate in combat, language and audition workshops as well as various conversations with Shakespeareans from both sides of the Atlantic.