We’ll get started with Spyfall at 7:30, and take a break for David’s live stream at 8:30! https://ksu.zoom.us/j/946713947 Meeting ID: 946 713 947 One tap mobile+16699006833,,946713947# US (San Jose)+13462487799,,946713947#…
STAY AT HOME ORDER ISSUED FOR RILEY COUNTY EFFECTIVE 12:01 AM 03/29/2020. Only go out for essential needs. More at rileycountyks.gov/coronavirus Stay at Home = SAFE at home, K-State Theatre…
MTD Faculty and Staff want to stay connected with students, and a great way to do so is by sharing their experiences during this challenging time. Follow the K-State Theatre…
Long before Wolverine…Enjoy him in the stage performance that began his movie career! https://www.broadwayhd.com/movies/AW2Gtd5Lpx3F9_4Aqeul
Got a bike? I go for a ride two to three times a week to Tuttle Creek State Park. There and back is a little over an hour. You’re welcome…
How’s everyone doing? Pop in and say, “Hi!” There’s a waiting room set up, so I wait a moment for me to “admit you.” Join URL: https://ksu.zoom.us/j/411758859
Backstage reached out to let us know they have a new resource available to keep you actively engaged in the arts while isolated. Check it out: THE SLATE.
Hi all! We forgot about Faculty Live Streams on the K-State Theatre Facebook Page, so we’re instead going to be doing KSTO Game Nights at 7:30PM (or following the live…
Every Friday at 7PM, starting this week, KSTO will be hosting Zoom Game Nights! We’ll play free online games like Spyfall, Jackbox, Pretend You’re Xyzzy, and more! Stay tuned for…
Jen Vellenga has Zoom office hours today, Wednesday March 25, 3-4pm. Anyone can “pop in” using this link: Join URL: https://ksu.zoom.us/j/503548975 To schedule a private meeting, email Jen at vellenga@ksu.edu All…
Enjoy this free gift from Adobe – free at-home access to all the Creative Cloud programs through May 31. http://blogs.k-state.edu/it-news/2020/03/20/adobe-creative-cloud-available-to-students-faculty-and-staff/
If you don’t already know, Jen Vellenga hosts a podcast: Ditch Your Backup Plan: Stories of rewarding careers between starving artist and celebrity. It has a whole new meaning now…
Well…I don’t know about you, but today was a challenge. I heard about students who were fired from off-campus jobs, challenges to getting home to KC before that city goes…
Dear Students, Last week, I sent a note that McCain, Nichols, and Fairchild would be open from 8-5 through March 30. The K-State Administration has asked me to curtail that…
One of the greatest ways to learn about Theatre today – everything from new shows and the in’s and out’s of being a professional in Theatre – is through…