On the Spot Improv, K-State’s premier improv troupe, is hosting a virtual public Q&A/hang out for people that are interested in joining the group and anyone that just wants to…
THEATRE FACULTY OFFICE HOURS Fall 2020 Faculty office hours for this semester are as follows. You should send an email to faculty who are on ZOOM office hours to make…
Please click the links below to sign up and submit your information before the K-State Theatre auditions being held from 7-10pm Aug. 24 & 25 (Mon/Tues). Callbacks are the evening…
Epistrophy Pictures is looking to cast extras in their upcoming sci-fi film The Xenophobes. They looking to cast non-speaking roles for Marines, Astronauts, National Guards, and Factory Workers. Production starts…
TONIGHT (Saturday, August 1st) at 7:00pm is the virtual reading of LISTENERS by Jane Martin! This is the final show in the summer series of KSTO Virtual Readings!! More info &…
Join us TONIGHT (Saturday, July 25th) at 7:00pm for the Virtual Reading of episodes 1-3 of NEW GIRL!! After the show, join in for KSTO Game Night at 9:00pm! More info below….
Join us TONIGHT (Saturday, July 18th) at 7:00pm for the Virtual Reading of THE REVOLUTIONISTS by Lauren Gunderson. The show will feature Chelsea Turner, Kaitlyn Burns, Masie Dultiz, and Morgan…
Auditions for the summer set of KSTO Virtual Readings take place at 7:00-9:00 pm TONIGHT!!! (July 11th) Come and audition for our next set of readings that include the shows…
Looking to make a little extra money? Our friends over in Dole Hall are in need of help getting a set out of storage and installed in one of their…
Join us at 7PM this evening for a virtual reading of Constellations by Nick Payne, directed by Ian Boyd-Duncan, and features Masie Dulitz and Sterling Matthew Oliver. You can join by following…
Congratulations, Kaitlyn Burns! Thank you all for voting!
Join us this evening for a virtual reading of “A Very Brady Sequel”, directed by Michael Duncan. The performance will begin at 7PM – Please join us! Zoom Code: 944…
This award honors the memory of Arex Ehrsam, a former K-State student who was greatly dedicated to and involved in K-State Theatre as well as the K-State Players before his…
Tonight is the premiere of the 2020 KSTO Banquet Video! The video will go live on YouTube at 7PM. Go to the video by clicking here. Following the Video’s…
AREX EHRSAM AWARD Nominations are now being accepted for the Arex Ehrsam Award. This award honors the memory of Arex Ehrsam, a former K-State student who was greatly dedicated to…