A Message from Kathy, If you are interested in working on props next semester, I’m still in need of a prop master for “Susannah” (the opera) in February. This is…
The edited and acting draft of our MACBETH script can be be picked up in 119 Nichols Hall (Marketing). Please sign the ‘Script” sheet when you pick up your script….
Neil Dunn is looking for a few crew members to help run Dance Student Spotlight, which will show in Chapman Theatre Monday, December 9 at 6:00 pm. If available, he…
Five Pieces of Public Art Scheduled for Display in Downtown Manhattan A juried art contest is currently underway to select five pieces of sculpture for display along the Third Street…
The Center for Student Involvement seeks interested student members for the newly established SafeRide Review Task Force. Having recently undergone its regular three-year review as part of the Center for…
Little Apple Pilates is having a Mat Immersion Course hosted by Polestar Pilates. The course will take place on January 18th and 19th at their pilates studio. Polestar Pilates is…
Join Winter With Warren this winter break. Winter With Warren is a two-week volunteer leadership program for college students where you’ll embed with the Iowa for Warren campaign to knock…
Audacity A Cappella is in need of Alto 2s and Soprano 1s for the 2020 Spring semester! Audacity A Cappella has a lot of big things coming up next semester. …
Do you want to have a lot of great and delicious food at ThanKSTOgiving? We NEED people to sign up to bring food for ThanKSTOgiving! It’ll only work if you…
Hi all! IMPORTANT NOTE: THANKSTOGIVING HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK TO 7:30PM. STILL ON THE 20th! We’re having a potluck for ThanKSTOgiving! KSTO is providing the turkey and ham. We…
Mark your calendars! ThanKSTOgiving will be next Wednesday, November 20th, at 5:30PM in the Sandy Chastan lobby of the Purple Masque Theatre! This will be a potluck event – sign…
If you’re interested in attending KCACTF’s Region 5 Festival in Sioux Falls, January 19-25, please let Sterling Oliver (sterlingmoliver@ksu.edu) AND Donovan Watts (dwatts97@ksu.edu) know! Don’t know what ACTF is? It’s…
If you are available to assist with front-of-house efforts during tomorrow’s Christmas Carol matinee, we need assistance bringing elementary students off of busses and into the space, and again helping…
KSTO is planning a Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA) event for the evening of November 16th in the Purple Masque Theatre. We have 50 short scripts to select from and…
Hi all! Don’t forget about Showcase tonight, starting at 10PM in the Purple Masque! Bring your Halloween costumes! We hope to see everybody there!