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Auditions for Wichita Grand Opera’s Noah’s Flood Feb. 22

By February 13, 2017News

Contact: Margaret Ann Pent | Tel: (316) 683-3444 | Email:

Auditions for Young People and Adults

for Wichita Grand Opera’s Noah’s Flood

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


          WICHITA, KS (February 8, 2017) – Wichita Grand Opera announces today that it is holding auditions for its new production of Benjamin Britten’s Noah’s Flood on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 600 N. Greenwich.


          Auditions will be for the singing roles of Noah’s three sons and their wives, ages 12 to 19; the four Gossips, the friends of Mrs. Noah, adult women singers; and a raven and a dove, performed by dancers ages 10 to 14. Some stage experience in singing, acting, and/or dance is recommended.


          To sign up for an audition, fill out the “Audition Application for Britten’s Noah’s Flood,” located at and mail in or hand deliver to: Wichita Grand Opera, Century II Performing Arts Center, Concert Hall 2nd Floor, 225 W. Douglas Ave., Wichita, KS 67202. The deadline to submit your application is Monday, February 20, 2017.


          Singers who are auditioning should be prepared to sing two songs of their choice with piano accompaniment, however, you may only be asked to sing one song. An accompanist will be provided by WGO or auditionees may provide their own accompanist, if indicated on their audition form in advance. Dancers should prepare an approximately two-minute dance routine to demonstrate their abilities in classical dance. Dancers may perform to recorded music if they provide their own recording on CD, but should indicate their musical selection on the audition form.


          ABOUT THE OPERA: Benjamin Britten’s Noah’s Flood is a colorful pageant where children play all the animal roles, parading two-by-two into the ark. Regarded as Britten’s most lovable work, the opera features inspired and delightful musical innovations; for example, the raindrops are represented by the sound of a series of mugs of varying sizes slung on string and struck by wooden spoons.


          This time honored biblical opera will become a shared artistic experience to bring our community together in these politically divisive times. Benjamin Britten was a huge proponent of education and community outreach, as evidenced by his best-known composition, “A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.”


          However, Noah’s Flood is unique among his compositions because it calls for a core of professional singers and musicians to perform with a large assembly of children drawn from all over a community. He also intended the piece to be performed in churches, making use of a church’s resources such as handbell choirs, pipe organ, and more. Holy Cross Lutheran Church has graciously offered to host the production, and many other churches, schools, and community organizations from across Wichita will also be collaborating in the production.


          Performances of Noah’s Flood will take place on June 9th at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wichita, KS and on June 11th at the McPherson Opera House in McPherson, KS. The new production design will be created by WGO Founder and Artistic Director Margaret Ann Pent.