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’20-21 KSTO BANQUET: Info, RSVP Interest Form, & Board Nominations!

By April 14, 2021News

'20-21 KSTO Banquet Info!

Join us as we celebrate the end of our ’20-21 season and school year in the KSU Theatre Dept. at our yearly tradition of Banquet! KSTO Banquet will be on May 7th 2021, from approximately 7pm to 9pm at the ballroom IN-PERSON the K-State Student Union!!!

What is Banquet???

Banquet is a annual KSTO event where the entire department, students, staff, friends, all come together to celebrate this past year over a few hours of fun, food, dancing, awards (to be posted in the next week for nominations), scholarships, and the announcement of the 2021-2022 KSTO Board!

In the past, KSTO Banquet has been held at local ballrooms or online via YouTube and is usually based on a theme! Students tend to dress to theme, stay in casual wear, or just go full fancy with old prom dresses and wild patterned suits. ALL THEATRE STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND! (Also, if you are not a theatre major/minor but have worked on shows and/or taken theatre courses, you are also welcome to join!)

Past banquet’s have required students/professors to pay around $20 per Banquet ticket. This was to help pay for a provided catering and an open bar. HOWEVER, with covid restrictions, we will only be able to provide snacks and drinks. So, this year’s KSTO banquet is FREE to attend!!!

We are going to do our best to plan for an IN-PERSON and safely distanced banquet in the ballroom of the the Student Union.

But first, we need to hear from YOU. . . .


** RSVP Interest Form **

Please fill out the form below if you are able AND planning to attend. We are looking for a firm yes or no.

Due to covid group gathering restrictions, if the amount of people that respond yes exceeds the cap then we will look at alternative options so that we can all celebrate together. 🙂


'20-21 KSTO Board Nominations
(OPEN until 4/16!)

If you haven’t had a chance, don’t forget to nominate a fellow theatre student or yourself for the 2021-2020 KSTO Board!!!

Nominations can be submitted by clicking the button below or following this link: