Hello! This is just a friendly reminder that there is an Ebony Theatre meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. in Nichols 017. Come out and show us what you do! Whether you…
Congratulations to Clay Massingill & Kelly Urschel on their Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Nominations for their roles in The Glass Menagerie! [Lots of deadlines are listed in this posting!] The Kennedy Center American College Theatre…
Hello! Just a reminder that our October showcase is tonight at 10:30 pm in the Purple Masque Theatre! Gabby Browne
Ebony Theatre is meeting Thursday at 6.30 in Nichols 017 and is offering a mini-showcase. Come support students as they perform their pieces and work. All students invited. Also, Ebony…
Hello! The Dance Program is having a FREE Dance Workshop in Nichols Basement Saturday Oct. 15, from 10am-12pm! This is designed as a recruitment event both for potential future students at…
Greetings and salutations, K-State Theatre Wildcats! We have another showcase coming up, October 12th at 10:30 pm in the Purple Masque, and it’s HALLOWEEN THEMED! Please feel free to come…
Hello! If anyone has any suggestions for sportsball this month, please email me or message below! We were thinking about doing night tag or capture the flag on campus, but…
READING WITH A Readers’ Theatre Presentation of 3 Iconic Friends Episodes Join the Purple Readers Project for Their Debut Reading! Wed. Oct. 5th @ 10:30 in Nichols 017 FREE Come…
Come hear Jerry Jay Cranford and David Mackay speak about their years of professional work. Hear about life on a film set! Learn about the hardships and joys of being…
KSU Theatre-goers! Glass Menagerie: September 30 & October 2 & 7 at 7:30 PM October 2 & 9 at 2:30 PM Details: -Volunteers who will be able to help our…
US Army and Traveling Picture Show Company will be on campus this Thursday afternoon recording footage for a TV spot. The production company is looking for student extras and crew grips. They…
Theatre majors & minors are invited to attend the final dress rehearsal of The Glass Menagerie in the Purple Masque Theatre in West Memorial Stadium onWednesday, September 28 at 7:30pm….
Hello all! The Ungenious Show (created by The Writers’ Room Project) is presenting its first set of scripts for a staged reading and we need some people to watch them!…
Hello! I couple of reminders! If you are wanting to work or assist with KSTO Workshop, please email me TODAY! Also, tonight, we will be meeting in Nichols lobby at…
The company “RF Benchmark” will be working in the Nichols Lobby/Atrium after 5pm this evening (Sept. 20) until up to around 11 pm. They will be removing and replacing the…