What is an open call or cattle call?
An open call, a.k.a cattle call, is an open audition-open to anyone who wants to audition. Performers are seen briefly before a panel of directors. This is a common type of mass audition for theatre, film, and television.
Who participates?
Open/cattle call is MANDATORY for theater majors, minors, theatre graduate students, and musical theatre majors. It is optional, though encouraged, for non-majors.
What is required?
Sign up for an audition time in McCain 109 anytime before 5pm on Tuesday, August 25. Please prepare a one minute monologue. If you are not a Theatre major and do not have a monologue prepared, there will be something available for you to read.
When is the open/cattle call?
Open/cattle call will be on Tuesday, Aug. 25 from 6:30pm to 10:30pm in Chapman Theatre in Nichols Hall. Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled audition. You will need to fill out paperwork with your contact info and scheduling conflicts. If you do not sign up in advance, come anyway! You may have to wait a little longer, but you will be seen.