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Lily Cai Master Class – Tomorrow Morning — 9:30 a.m. Studio 008

By February 26, 2014October 4th, 2014Workshops



Lily Cai Master Class – Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 — 9:30 a.m. Studio 008

Lily Cai will teach a master class in her movement technique which empowers movers to feel connected to the earth and strong and easy in their own bodies.

Great feeling the breath in your body as you move and as an impetus for sharing emotion from inside out.

Dancers and Actors who Move will enjoy and benefit from here class.

Also – She will give a lecture tomorrow at 11:30 in the Student Union room 226 about Chinese dance.

Ms. Cai began her dance studies in Shanghai, China in the traditional Russian ballet system as well as traditional Chinese dance. She moved to San Francisco in the mid 1980s and began teaching. In 1988 she founded her dance company and has been teaching and touring since then.

Students who attend a master class or the lecture will receive a free ticket to the dancer concert at McCain on Friday evening.​ Thank you Todd Holmberg and McCain!