This year we will be having KSTO Workshop Day on October 26th from 8 am-3 pm. For those who have not previously participated in Workshop, it is a day where we invite high schoolers from around the state to come and see what it’s like to be a K-State Theatre student! After lunch, students are invited to watch The Rocky Horror Show final dress rehearsal.
In order for workshop to take place, we need classes and people to teach them. Therefore, if you have any suggestions for classes that you would want to teach or assist, please email me at gabbybrowne13@ksu.edu. If you have someone you would like to teach with, let me know. I need to have people signed up to teach workshops by September 23rd. You will have until the end of that Friday to email me. If you have not told me that you want to teach a class by that date, you will not be teaching a class.
Jennifer Vellenga, Shannon Skelton, George Matthews and Marci Mauller have expressed interest in helping teach classes, so if you would like to partner with one of them, please mention that in your email. If any other faculty is interested in teaching a class, email me. It is important for these high school students to see the relationships we have with our faculty!
Finally, if you think your old high school would be interested in attending KSTO Workshop, please send me their contact information or talk to them about our amazing event. If you are in The Rocky Horror Show, your school might want to come see you perform! Thank you so much!
Gabby Browne