Hello Faculty and Staff,
Our organization has a scholarship opportunity for design students, such as those majoring in your Theatre Design department.
We are the International Association of Color Consultants/Designers, North America (IACC-NA), and we are dedicated to promoting effective and functional color design.
Our scholarship is designed as a color design competition, and is meant to be easy to apply. It is open to students, full or part time, who are currently enrolled in a 4-year university, and majoring in interior design, graphic design, theatre scene design, and industrial design.
The deadline is March 21, and the scholarship recipient will receive $500 to further their studies.
To learn more about us, go to www.iaccna.com
To find out more about the scholarship, go to www.iaccna/scholarship
Here is a link to the application https://www.iaccna.com/_files/ugd/d96233_fc26840939414928978d87efcb9990b9.pdf
Students with questions may be directed to email us at info@iaccna.com