Hello! My name is Kimberly Allely and I’m a student in my final year at the University of Alaska Anchorage. I am also working with the Chair, Brian Cook,…
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park is launching their audition process for the Bruce E. Coyle Acting Internship Program for the 2018-2019 season and invite graduating seniors and MFA students to…
On Friday, December 1, Ebony Theater is hosting their inaugural “First Friday” from 9-10pm in the Purple Masque Lobby in West Memorial Stadium. This new monthly arts-infused social gathering gives…
For over 43 years, Seattle Children’s Theatre has been a leader in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences producing exceptional professional work. Our programs empower young people to make…
The College of Arts and Sciences has five Chapman Scholarships to award for Arts and Sciences students for the upcoming year. The Chapman Scholars Program strives to help students undertake…
There will be a KCACTF (Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival) meeting TONIGHT at 6pm for anyone interested in attending the region 5 festival in Des Moines,IA January 21-27, 2018. …
Hi friends! Just a reminder that ThanKSTOgiving is this Thursday, November 16, 2017! Come enjoy some conversation and fun or just come for some free turkey! Either way, join us!…
Let’s. Get. THANKFUL! That’s right folks, ThanKSTOgiving has arrived! Next Thursday, November 16th at 6:30 PM, we will get together and enjoy each other’s company at the newly renovated Sandy…
November Showcase with your host Aaron Rojas 10:30 TONIGHT in The Purple Masque Ceslie Parker-Waller —————————-Song Ian Boyd-Duncan ——————————-Song Katelin Rose Woods ——————–Poetry Reading Anthony Bandy ——————————–Song Olivia Carter ———————————–Song…
If you have ever thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun/interesting/a good idea to spend the entire summer doing nothing but theatre?” but aren’t sure whether your resume and cover letter are…
The K-State 48 Hour Film Festival will be held in the Spring, but starting in December, there will be various workshops regarding filmmaking . . . . everything from editing…
Here’s a link to the Point’s Scholarship available to LGBTQ undergrad and grad level students. http://pointfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Applications-Flyer-2018-2019.pdf
Our KCACTF respondent was highly complimentary of all aspects of the production stating everyone in the cast was deserving of a nomination. Once the list was narrowed, she felt it…
Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour for daylight savings tomorrow or you will be an hour early for everything!
All interested students are invited to attend the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in Des Moines, Iowa, January 21-27, 2018. The department does not pay for the trip, but a…