The first 20 people who respond to the email will be a part of a commercial and will receive a free t-shirt that day. Who: Acting Extras Needed – all…
Kathryn Swan is looking for a student who would like to work with her this summer on Arts in the Park, and also possibly for the youth theater program. She…
The Non-verbal/Blue Man-style workshop with Tim Aumiller has had a time change. It will be offered this Saturday, April 26th from 2-4pm. If we don’t get 6-8 more individuals to…
Please plan to attend a special Theatre Forum tomorrow from 12:30-1:20pm in Chapman Theatre to visit with our guest artists, John Ort and K-State Theatre alumnus Tim Aumiller. Tim Aumiller…
The polls are closed. Congratulations to the new Kansas State Theatre Organization (KSTO, formerly TAP) 2014-2015 officers: President: Logan Jones Vice President: Cat Huck Secretary: Emily White These new officers…
Happy Opening to the entire company of The Importance of Being Earnest! Have a great run!
Theatre Majors & Minors: Per the Marketing Office, you are invited to attend the free final dress/preview of The Importance of Being Earnest tonight, Wednesday, April 23 at 7:30pm in…
Please check your email today for the KSTO Election polls. If you are a Theatre & Dance major, minor, grad student, Music major with Music Theatre option,or have been active in…
The KSTO (formerly TAP) banquet is May 10th at the Holiday Inn. Tickets are $25, BUT a generous donor is offering to cover the full cost of the ticket for…
Fri & Sat April 25-26 Alumnus Tim Aumiller (Blue Man Group casting) and John Ort (ABC primetime casting) are coming to campus to offer workshops for students. There are still…
Fall Semester Oct. 2-4, 2014 Monkey, Monkey, Bottle of Beer, How Many Monkeys Have We Here? by Marsha Sheiness; directed by Cory Jennett roles: 6 females/1 male Oct. 23-25, 2014…
Attention all theatre students! It’s time to elect KSTO officers for the 2014-2015 school year! We’re doing this a little differently this year and attempting to go all electronic. The…
Mark A. Chapman died this morning. Below is an image of Mr. Chapman and a message from Sheila Walker. Please keep this kind and generous man in your thoughts and…
Congratulations to the entire company of Dog Sees God on a fantastic opening night. Thanks to KSTO for sponsoring! It runs tonight (Friday 4/18) and tomorrow at 7:30. Only $4.00…
These audition appointments are filling up for KC Theatres! Spinning Tree Theatre The Coterie and Unicorn (joint audition)