Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike By Christopher Durang Directed by Jerry Jay Cranford Oct 9 -11 and Oct. 16-18 at 7:30 pm October 19 Matinee at 2:30 pm Chapman Theatre Sweeney Todd By…
Have a safe and happy spring break! We look forward to seeing you all back in 10 days!
Calling all actors for April 11-12! KSTO is hosting the second annual 24-Hour Play Festival and we are seeking 20 actors to participate! How does a 24-Hour Play Festival work?…
Randy Frye is the accompanist today. Monitors for the Audition are: 1:30-2:30 Dylan Rogerson 2:30-3:30 Lizzy Cook 3:30-4:15 Lucy McDonald 4:15-5 Emily White Please check in with the appropriate monitor…
Today in Theatre Forum at 12:30pm in Chapman Theatre, Doug Nuttelman from Great Plains Theatre will be visiting to discuss their professional Theatre in Abilene, KS. He is also holding…
The K-State Tap Dance Ensemble is looking for new tap dancers for the 2014-2015 season. Auditions will be held from 3-5 p.m. Friday, April 18, in Nichols Hall studio 026….
Daylight Saving Time 2014: When Does It Begin? And Why? Why we “spring forward,” and arguments for and against daylight saving time. By Brian Handwerk for National Geographic PUBLISHED MARCH…
Be safe, take care of each other & Happy Fake Patty’s Day! Open container It is illegal to carry open bottles, cans or kegs on public property. This includes sidewalks,…
The KSTO (formerly TAP) banquet is May 10th at the Holiday Inn. Tickets are $25. On sale after spring break! ALL ARE WELCOME!!!
KSTO (the organization formerly known as TAP!) would like to participate in K-State Open House on April 5th. If you have a scene to perform or a performance act and…
All majors and minors are invited to attend tonight’s final dress of the Operas. The starting time is 7 pm.
American Theatre Wing’s Springboard NYC Application due March 21st. The program is June 2-13, 2014. They offer Scholarships for students in need. At this two week college-to-career transition program, you’ll…
DOG SEES GOD: CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE BLOCKHEAD CAST LIST First Rehearsal: Monday March 10, 6-9pm, Nichols Room 017/008 Scripts should be available from Jerry Jay (Nichols 004) by the…
Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour at 2am Sunday or before you go to sleep on Saturday night!