This summer Introduction to Theatre will be offered. It is a theatre appreciation course that covers the ins and outs of theatre, while also diving into some of the history…
All students are invited to attend a presentation by the award-winning playwright and theatre practitioner Soji Cole on Monday, March 30th at 12.30 pm in Chapman Theatre. This is a…
This is the second night of a sold out event hosted by Jerry Jay Cranford featuring some of KC’s finest musical theatre performers. If anyone would like to attend, we will be…
Friday, April 3rd, 5:00-6:30pm All students involved in K-State Theatre, regardless of major, are welcome to join us for an INTERNAL opening of the NEW Purple Masque Theatre in West…
DEADLINE: 5PM APRIL 10 in McCain 109 If you wish to apply for a continuing student theatre scholarship for 2015/16, you must complete an application form and write a letter…
Fall Semester: Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl; directed by guest artist TBA A Christmas Carol (musical) by Menken/Ahrens; directed & choreographed by Jerry Jay Cranford Spring Semester: Forward by Chantal Bilodeau;…
Just another reminder for those of you that missed the first announcement… The Manhattan Arts Center is holding auditions for the comedic operetta The Mikado next month! Dates and Times:…
A cell phone was found in Chapman Theatre (a couple weeks ago) A video camera was found in Nichols 017 this morning (March 5, 2015) Both may be claimed in…
Theatre Alum Vi Tran will be in Theatre Forum on Monday, March 2 at 12:30 pm in Chapman Theatre. Vi has worked as an actor, musician, writer, producer and more…
Be one of the first to tour the NEW PURPLE MASQUE and give back to the Theatre Program at the same time! Help is needed to move the Purple Masque/Drama…
Students, please offer your feedback on the three job candidates by sending an email to Logan Jones ( or Jennifer Vellenga ( or speak to one of us in person…
K-State Theatre is seeking proposals from students wishing to direct on the Second Stage (in the new Purple Masque). Due March 23. Priorities for granting proposals are as follows: …
It’s the season for students to request letters of recommendation from professors and employers! If you ask generically for a letter, you will get a generic letter. Follow the guidelines…
Please stop by at noon this Saturday at the Purple Masque to help move drama therapy supplies to the new DT room. It won’t take more than an hour or…
Our third and final job candidate will present to faculty and students in Nichols 301 at 4pm TODAY, Tuesday, Feb. 24. Please join us! At 4:30pm, there will be a…