Want some extra help with homework? Questions about college/theatre so far? Tips for theatre courses & auditions? Or an hour of chill chat with some chill theatre people? WELL, KSTO’S…
Hello all, the KSTO Board hopes you’ve had a wonderful first week of classes! KSTO has some exciting things coming this semester but need YOUR input to make it all…
Racism & the Dance World: Friday, Aug. 28 12-1:30 The K-State dance program will host “Racism & The Dance World,” with guest presenter Karida Griffith Walker via Zoom. Griffith Walker will…
Sound wave -colorful and Microphone- minimal are neck in neck! Announcing winning show art tomorrow! https://kstatemtd.com/podcast-art-vote/
The scripts that will be produced are now available via the Script Archive CANVAS page under ‘2020 Fall Season Scripts’ in Files.’ There will be additional short works added to…
Welcome back! Now, this year wouldn’t be complete without some sort of a KSTO kickoff event. So. . . Join the Theatre students, Faculty, and KSTO Board for the annual…
Click through the pages to learn the traffic patterns and the capacities for each of our buildings and rooms. Remember- no hanging out in lobbies right now. 🙁
ZOOM LINK (passcode BREATHE) Dancers, Please join us this Friday, August 21st from 12-1pm for a virtual gathering with faculty and other dance students. Bring your lunch to your computer station…
It’s usually pizza and a gathering in Chapman Theatre, but this year, let’s gather on Zoom. All Theatre faculty will introduce themselves and KSTO student leaders will do the same….
Epistrophy Pictures is looking to cast extras in their upcoming sci-fi film The Xenophobes. They looking to cast non-speaking roles for Marines, Astronauts, National Guards, and Factory Workers. Production starts…
Look at us! Embracing mixed-media already. Let’s see if my videos get better throughout the semester… Here are some important websites: Come Back Cats Webpage K-State Covid-19 Webpage
Theatre students, here is a link to our theatre breakout session once the current session is over: Join a Theatre Zoom Meeting! https://ksu.zoom.us/j/3341326646 Meeting ID: 334 132 6646
Are you interested in helping out an incoming theatre student? Well, this is the post for you!!! It’s KSTO Buddy time! *AIR HORN NOISE* The KSTO Board is looking for…
From MTD Director, Dr. Jeffrey Ward: Dear MTD Students: It is hard to believe that the last time we saw each other was the first week of March. Since that…