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Brush Up on Your Plays Drama Class Offered in English Dept. in Fall

By May 2, 2015News

ENGL 345 Drama
Section A: TU 9:30-10:45—Deborah Murray (ref # 16536)
Aimed at cultivating an ongoing interest in drama, especially in performance, this course will include both classic works (such as Oedipus) and experimental material (such as Suzan-Lori Parks’s In the Blood). Staging a production is an integral aspect of how a play achieves its meaning and impact; therefore, class activities will include viewing clips of productions, along with staging readings from the plays studied. We will focus on traditional formal elements of plays, and we will also examine experimental productions that have pushed the boundaries of form. We will delve deeply into characters’ motivations and plays’ interpretations. In addition to discussing and writing about plays, each student is required to attend a KSU student production. Additional assignments include two essays and two exams. K-State 8 Tag: Aesthetic Interpretation.