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By August 19, 2019August 21st, 2019Auditions


By: Diana Son

Directed by: Teva Spencer

Auditions are August the 27th during the OPEN CALL. All are welcome.  Callbacks are on the evening of Aug. 28, sides are embedded beat the end of this post. 

This show will take place on the weekend of October 24th through the 27th.

Anyone who is interested in being a part of this show should know that the subject matter is very sensitive, the main characters are the victims of a hate crime and there is also a lot of swearing. The two main female characters are gay so if you are wanting to be cast as one of those roles understand that you will have to kiss someone of the same gender. If you are uncomfortable with any of these items please make that known to the director during your audition. 

Plot Summary: Callie and Sara never expect to fall in love and even more than that, they never expect that their new found relationship will be viciously attacked by society. The audience gets to see the story of Callie and Sara falling in love and then how their relationship is altered by a violent hate crime. 

Like any love story it starts with the two meeting and then slowly becoming increasingly closer and getting to know each other. When they both decide that they want to be together society intervenes. Even though this moment caused both of them to be hurt in more ways than physically Callie sticks by Sara’s side. 

Character Breakdown:

3 Women, 3 Men 


Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Strong but messy, wants to get her life together but just doesn’t know what’s missing


Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Mousy but tough, wants to be stronger like how she sees Callie 


Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Tall, Physically fit, sometimes problematic 


Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Tall, Physically fit, ignorantly sexist sometimes

Mrs. Winsley

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Showing age but still in shape, doesn’t exactly approve of the newer things going on in the world but understands it 

*doubles with Nurse

Detective Cole

Age: 37 

Gender: Male

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Strong, authoritative, doesn’t have time for lies, really just trying to do his job


Age: 36

Gender: Female

Race: (Cast should be ethnically diverse)

Physical Characteristics: Physically tired, just there to lend comfort and to do her job

*doubles with Mrs. Winsley

STOP KISS sides.