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Pick up FREE Banquet Tickets no later than Monday, May 5th

By May 1, 2014July 18th, 2014KSTO, News

The KSTO (formerly TAP) banquet is May 10th at the Holiday Inn. Tickets are $25, BUT a generous donor is offering to cover the full cost of the ticket for the first 100 students who pick up a ticket from Cindy Friedrich in McCain 109. Tickets are available until 5pm on Monday, May 5th.  After that date, they are $25 the night of the event. 

Faculty and Guests may purchase tickets for $25, cash or check payable to TAP.

Cindy Friedrich in McCain 109 has the tickets and a list of Theatre majors, minors and grad students, plus Music majors with Music Theatre option and any students who have been actively involved in KSTO events, even if they are not pursuing a Theatre major.  If you are unsure if you are eligible for a free banquet ticket, see Cindy Friedrich in McCain 109, she has a list of names.  In the unlikely event of an eligibility dispute, please contact Jennifer Vellenga

Banquet: May 10th at the Holiday Inn

Dress: 80′s Prom!

6:45pm: Cash bar opens

7pm: Dinner followed by awards and scholarship announcements, a slideshow, and most importantly… dancing.

KSTO Banquet is an excuse for us to dress up and recognize all the hard work that goes into a year in the life of the Theatre Program. Join us for one last party!