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KSTOpen Meeting:
FRIDAY, March 5th at 3:30pm!

Hello KSTO Pals!  Do you have ideas for future KSTO events and Banquet? How about opinions on past events? Well, we want to hear them! Join the KSTO board and fellow students to discuss upcoming events, feedback on past events, and possibilities for safe in-person socially distanced outside events!  Also, the long KSTO tradition of BANQUET!!! 


Click the Button below to join in using the KSTO Zoom Room!

Be the FIRST to hear about KSTO’s exciting, upcoming events!

Voice YOUR opinions and feedback directly to the KSTO Board!

Share ANY and ALL event & Banquet ideas that you’d like to see happen!!!

Be there or be square and we hope to see you wonderful humans there. – Emma P. (KSTO Pres.)

Meeting ID: 969 2266 8537

 Questions, Ideas, Can’t make it to the KSTOpen Meeting? If you have any questions about KSTO, KSTO events, or anything at all throughout the semester, feel free to contact any member of the KSTO Board.  Also, if you have any ideas for events you’d like to see this semester, let us know (by email, message, or the Open Meeting!)!!!  KSTO Board member emails are listed under the KSTO tab at the top right of the MTD website.  You can also contact KSTO President, Emma Price, at