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Shepherdless explores the different perspectives of gay people who have grown up in Christian households. These people have all faced some form of discrimination both from the general public as well as their own families. We see these characters’ lives unfold in front of us as we move along in the progression of the show. It is imperative to see the desperation between the characters and their family to know the true nature of the struggles these people have been through.

These characters are based on live interviews with actual people.


Actors may or may not be double cast depending on the availability of actors.


Knew she was gay at a very early age, caught by her mother and forced out of the house to live homeless for 6 months.


Was taught to repress her homosexuality until a late age until she let her emotions build up inside of her until she could not contain them anymore.


Tried to teach her parents to be supportive of her homosexuality, and even though they slip up at times, they try, and she respects that.


Does not learn what gay truly is until he is 18 upon a visit with a therapist. Family is closed-minded and teaches him incorrectly.


A preacher coming to terms with having a gay sister. He struggles to learn how he feels about gay people having the same rights as everyone else.


Anna’s Mom
Anna’s Dad
Sarai’s Mom
Rebekah’s Mom
Rebekah’s Dad
Daniel’s Mom
Sister-in-law’s Partner


For this audition, please come with a story of how you have been ostracized in the past. DO NOT act the story like a monologue. DO NOT tell any story you are not comfortable with telling. We simply want to hear how you would be able to relate to the characters of the script. You may or may not be asked to do a cold reading from the script, so please be familiar with it.


Please attend any mainstage or Purple Masque callbacks first. You will be asked to read from scenes and monologues from the script. These will be assigned to you outside of the room for you to look at the scenes and prepare them before coming in to show.


Feb.8, 7-9PM