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Congrats and Welcome Back, Drama Therapy!

K-State represents at the North American Drama Therapy Association

Sally Bailey, professor in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, along with alumni of the master’s in drama therapy program, presented several sessions at the North American Drama Therapy Association, or NADTA, Oct. 15-17.

Bailey and alumni Jessica Munoz ’15 and Joanna Abillama ’15 presented data on their research study on narrative transportation, which was conducted on productions done by the spring 2015 theatre program. Narrative transportation is the experience of feeling part of a book, movie, or play and when transported individuals are more apt to remember information and be persuaded to other points of view. Data was collected from audience members on if they were transported into plays and how that transportation affected them. Their presentation focused on the production of a play Munoz wrote and Abillama directed about sexual harassment which was performed on campus and at Fort Riley for the 1st Battalion.

Alumnus LaVonne Canfield ’15 presented about her work with creating original plays with women in prison and Munoz and current graduate student Samantha Hindle presented on their drama therapy interventions on sexual harassment prevention last year in conjunction with the K-State Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education last year.

Two K-State alumni were inducted onto the NADTA board of directors: Karen Johnson Knappenberger ’02 as treasurer and Alissa Duncan ’04 as Central Region chair.